Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My feelings on Hauls...

We all shop. That is a fact. We window shop, we food shop, we clothes shop, car shop...  You get my drift.  I enjoy shopping, sometimes more than others.  I'm a HUGE fan of window shopping especially.  There is something so creatively inspiring by looking at displays and patterns.  I have been even inspired by a sheet of scrapbooking paper.  It can come from anywhere. 

And when you do as much looking as I do, you're bound to buy things.  This causes a bit of conflict, because I like to share some of what I pick up.  I've been thinking about how to write about it. 

Most people call them HAULS. 

I'm not a fan of the word "haul". It just sounds kind of brutal and rough...

Trying to figure out what to call it is a bit of a headache, and I still have no idea of a title.  I know I'm not the only person who is not fond of the word "haul". Kandee Johnson stated she wasn't a fan either in one of her videos

I may call them "Shopping Trip".  What do you think of that?  It gets the point across without sounding so brutish.  What would you call them instead?

Image above is from