Friday, November 30, 2012


If you've read my blog for a while, you'd know that last year I was accepted as a member of Influenster.  As a member, they send you boxes full of goodies to review.  I've received a couple of boxes and can I say that I've loved it?! Well, I just did! The best part? It's free to join! All you need is an invite from a current member.

So you're wondering, what's the point? Well, the point is to review and participate in this community. The more you participate, the more "influence" you are perceived to have. It's a nifty idea, though the whole points thing isn't my favorite. Some people already are influential in their own right. They've worked for a long time on establishing their brand, and their influence is rightfully so. But some know someone else who is influential in the same right and got a mention on their social media channel and therefore are more "popular" and more desirable within the program even if they didn't really do much for it. This is where my issue lies.

I don't write here or at my other space for subscribers. I'd like others to read my posts for their comments.  I yearn to have discussions on here sometimes, too! While my numbers are still low, I am so far enjoying what has been said. For this, I will continue to write, and if I'm selected for a box of goodies, awesome!  If not, that's ok too.

OK, that went in a whole other direction. LOL! It's alright. It's what I do. :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hr Eyeshadow - Tough as Taupe - Review

Hey guys!  I know I've been out for a bit and I apologize for that. I've been trying to get things settled in my apartment.  It's hard to believe how long it's taken me to unpack from this last move, but doing it slowly and correct is better than quickly and messily.

But anyways...

The internet has been abuzz with these Color Tattoos by Maybelline. Resist as I may, I couldn't resist any longer, so here we are.  I know I'm quite late to the game, but I didn't think much of them when they first came out.  I just thought to myself that I had plenty of cream eye shadows   I ended up picking one up in the color Tough as Taupe.  It's a grayish purplish taupe color with very slight shimmer.

HAHA! I couldn't help myself and dipped my fingers in before taking pics.

So far I think it's fantastic! It doesn't crease on me and makes for a quick daytime look. It looks great on my tan skin, too!

See? And this is just one sheer swatch! It's easy to build up, too.  I have picked up the limited edition ones, the neutral Fashion Week 2012 collection and those will be swatched soon!

FTC: I paid for this item with my own money. All opinions expressed herein is my own.